Wednesday, June 18, 2008


June 20, 2008, marks the 13th anniversary of the passing of the founder of NISEI GOJU RYU (THE SYSTEM), Grand Master Frank Ruiz 1934-1995. The history of the grand master's personal martial evolution is well documented.

GM. Frank Ruiz was responsible for assembling and training some of the greatest figthers, kata and weapons performers of Karate's golden era under one flag, NISEI GOJU. Thomas "LaPuppet" Carol(Nisei Shotokan), Carlos "Charlie" Cuprill, Luis Delgado (Ruiz's most famous student), Nathan "Skipper" Ingham (Bermuda Te), John Giordano , Malachi Lee (Isshin Ryu), Earl "The Pearl" Monroe, Wilfredo Roldan(present grand master of NISEI GOJU), Harry Rosenstein (Kan Zen Goju), Carlos Serrano(Ruiz's 1st black belt), Joe Serrano, Alex Sternberg (Nisei Shotokan), Ron Taganashi, Herbie Thompson, Owen "Obosan" Watson (Twin Dragon Goju), Bill Wendell(Mushin Goju), Ron "Black Dragon" Van Clief (Chinese Goju), Chaka "The Snake" Zulu (Zu Jitsu Ryu). He touched allot of lives. He is missed by those he touched.
I remember the first demonstration he performed, after he discarded his krutches. I was his uke, we worked with a live blade. G.M. Ruiz always wanted to be attacked for real A true founding father of the american martial arts movement.
Please observe a moment of silence in your Dojo, home, or anywhere on Friday, June 20, 2008, commemorating the life of the founder of Nisei Goju, FRANK RUIZ, THE GRAND MASTER.

Pictures: Left Circa 1970's: Grand Master Ruiz completes 1st Demonstration after surviving a near fatal car accident. Right Circa 1967, Grand Master Ruiz, Yon Dan Renshi at future home of the Nisei Goju System, Owen Watson's Nang Sei Dojo. Click on Photo to enlarge.