This passed weekend I hosted the Nisei Goju Ryu System's Advance class for members of the martial arts community ranked brown belt and above. The class began with falling skills for safety. Than continued with the break down of the jujitsu inherent in the katas of the goju style.
Everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks to those who attended and hope you got something new to work on. It was nice to have Hanshi Steven "Iron Hands" Malanoski of Shobudo Goju Jitsu (the original) and Hanshi Kevin McGrath of Little Dojo in attendance. Others in attendance were Sensei Luis Mercado (NYC), Sensei Joshua Espinal and Sempai Maritza "Tiger Woman" Rijos From the United States Virgin Island of St Croix, Sempai Mark Muhammed (East Orange, New Jersey), Sempai Carl Marin (Brewster, New York), Evan Baker (NYC), Sensei John Garavuso (NYC), Brenden Burke (NYC), and John Santiago (Long Island).
These classes will be held every fourth sunday of the month. Brown belts and above from any martial arts style are welcomed.
Photos above:
Hanshi Roldan corrects Mark Muhammed as
Sensei Joshua Espinal looks on.
Hanshi Roldan strikes up a conversation with
Hanshi McGrath.
Group shot.
Hanshi Roldan corrects side falling technique.
Click on photos to enlarge.